
Asked Questions

  • It is free to attend you just pay for parking.

  • $5 per day or you can purchase a weekly pass.

  • Contact Nina Angney at

  • 10PM daily.

  • $15 and you purchase them in the midway.

  • 4PM daily.

  • Contact the Mifflin County Extension Office (717-248-9816) and they can get you signed up.

  • Check out our Open Show page. It has a list of classes and requirements. You can also check out their Facebook page and directly ask them questions on there.

  • Reach out to Bobbie at

  • Only registered service dogs with the proper documentation and badges are allowed at the fair.

  • Buy Back is when you purchase an animal but don’t actually take it home with you. The packer sets the floor price for all of the animals. You would pay the difference between the floor price and your bid. An example would be: Buyback on goats is $300. You can purchase the goat for $700 and choose to put the goat in buyback. Therefore you only end up paying the difference of $400. You are able to support youth this way without actually taking the animal with you.